We do custom design and development of native apps for Android and iOS smartphones, tablets, smart TV, smart watches and other wearables
Whatever you have — just a concept, hand made wireframes, or polished designs — we will help you mold it into a market-ready product

It's what we started with and what we love most of all. Clean, simple, elegant solutions to be used by real people in real-life situations.

Coding is notorious for overuse of resources. We pride ourselves in fast, flexible, and effective back-end and front-end development.
Quality Assurance

We always make sure that we find bugs before you or your users do. Available as part of development or as a stand-alone service.

A.k.a App Store Optimization. We make sure your app stands out and its message is clear and easy to read (description, banners, etc).
Our hourly rates
unified welcome hourly rate
(first three months)
special hourly rate
for AI, IoT and NGO projects
unified regular hourly rate
(after first three months)
Costs you may expect

average minimal price for an app
developed from scratch for one platform
(iOS or Android) with no back-end

average minimal price for an app
developed from scratch for one platform
(iOS or Android) with a back-end

average minimal price for an app
developed from scratch for two platforms
(iOS and Android) with a back-end
Maintenance and support
If you need constant assistance and want to make sure you have designers, programmers, analysts and QA's handy, consider our maintenance and support packages
50 hrs/month
100 hrs/month
200 hrs/month
Our methodology
Besides the traditional waterfall approach, we use scrum approach in development. The few basic principals make it probably the best way to develop apps.
The entire schedule of the project is divided into equal
time intervals (2-3 weeks) which are called "sprints"
Before each sprint we do planning,
which includes the following activities
Analyst puts together a list of tasks
Each task is assigned a priority level by the customer
The sprint is then filled up with tasks based on to their priority (priority is defined with the client)
While developers and designers work on the tasks from one sprint, the analyst is working with the customer on the pool of tasks to be included in the next sprint
When finished, the team demonstrates
the results of the sprint to the client
Advantages of scrum
Constant collaboration between the product owner and the team
Short iterations which to always see the intermediate results
Ability to introduce changes before every sprint, iterate and pivot
Immediate reaction to change in conditions and specifications
Scrum is the pragmatic way to do software development. The core principle is that nothing is absolute and anything may change. In IT where projects may take 4, 6 or even 8 months to complete, the ability to quickly roll out the first version and test it out in real life conditions is priceless.
Our technical skills
Languages, tools & databases

iOS: Objective-C, Swift
Android: Android/Java
Back End: SQL, PHP, .NET
Web FE: jQuery, JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS
Other: C++, C#

Android Studio, XCode / Git, Eclipse /
JIRA, Basecamp, Redmine

DBMS (MySql, PostgreSql),
(Oracle) SQL, PostGIS
Technologies & frameworks

UIKit, Core Location, Core Animation, Core Data,
Core Graphics, Core Audio, GCD

RxJava, RxAndroid, slf4j, Retrofit, Picasso, EvenBus,
ORMLite, GreenDAO, Dagger, Butterknife

Yii, Sencha, Ext JS

OpenG, XMPP, Cocoa Touch, Foundation, Apache Thrift